The trusted way to ask for God's many graces
We “live and breathe and have our being” (Acts 17: 28) by sharing in God’s
life. “Blessing” one another is the sign of God’s presence in our hearts and lives
If you, dear guest, have any special intentions or needs you wish to have
us join you in “blessing” others (i.e. we“ bless” others with a good word
or smile, a kind action that goes completely unobserved or simply a good
wish or a prayer in silence), please include them in the intentions provided
below–or in your own words. This is one way, as we go/grow through each
day of life to PASS ON God’s love in today’s world.
You may remain anonymous or leave your email address for others to join
with you in prayer.
If you wish, you may use one of the above categories and specify the unique concerns you have for yourself or your loved ones. We will include them each in our “prayer/blessing reservoir” to be held up daily in monastic life here at Carmel of the Sacred Heart.