Everything is a Gift

As we mentioned in our introduction, our lives depend entirely on charity. If you feel you wish to help support our lives in any way, whether by your prayers, gifts or monetary support, we would be deeply grateful. St. Therese of Lisieux said: “Everything is a Gift” and we have learned how very true that is! Whether it is the salt/pepper shakers on the refectory table to the tools for the garden, to the money to pay the bills, we know, yes, “everything IS a gift”. For this we are deeply grateful and ask the good God to bless and reward our benefactors and supporters and give them their hearts’ desires. To be truly reliant on God’s providence is a blessing, and at the same time a deep responsibility to try to return that loving support by our lives of prayer, praise and intercession. If you have a desire to help us, please send your gifts to:
Carmelite Nuns
Carmel of the Sacred Heart
430 Laurel Avenue
Hudson, WI 54016-1688
Some friends have asked about preparing to leave gifts in their wills and that is accomplished by the following form: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Carmelite Nuns of the Diocese of Superior, Inc. 430Laurel Avenue, Hudson, WI 54016, a non-profit organization existing in the State of Wisconsin…(whatever you decide you wish to bequeath to our Monastery).”
THANK YOU FOR YOUR WILL TO SUPPORT US! If you have any questions, our phone number is (715)386-2156 or you can email us at carmelofthesacredheart@gmail.com.