Carmel of the Sacred Heart

Hudson, WI

Our Monastery

Our Monastery was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1963 when much emphasis was placed on the Heart of God as a source of comfort and consolation to those who turned to God for forgiveness and peace in their lives.

Today the need is still the same, to truly believe in God’s love for us. In fact, it seems more and more we as a community need to be reminded of how special each of us is in God’s eyes, and know and trust also that our prayers are always heard. St. Paul said so beautifully: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” (Phil 4:6) Thomas Aquinas observed: “Love enables us to see.”

What we do

We Care

We are here to show compassion to all God’s people. Should you ever need a listening ear, our Sisters are here.

We Love

The love of Jesus did not end on the cross but continues to this day throughout the world. We embrace all life, loving everyone.

We Serve

We are here to witness to the presence of God, to pray for the people of the Diocese of Superior and of the whole world, and to share this life of prayer with others.

We Pray

Prayer is our primary mission including liturgical prayer, personal reflection (or lectio divina), and intercessory prayer.